The Cafe is Closed


As you journey the road to Milford Sound, you soon come to realise there isn't much aside from nature, a road or two and lots and lots of cars. Not so long before you head into the Homer Tunnel, exists a sign advertising a cafe. During this cold early winters morning, this sign, and most importantly the exclamation of the cafe being open was a welcome relief.

Thankfully, the road to the cafe was fair straight forward and even more beautiful than the main highway, because once we arrived we realised we'd been sucked into some false advertising. We do our best to be responsible travellers, so the lack of an open cafe wasn't too harsh as we had packed a flask of hot water, tea and coffee making facilities along with the necessary cups.

This also gave rise to an opportunity to nip out of the car and swing the camera around a little. Wherever you drive in New Zealand you are constantly crossing creeks and driving over bridge decks. This one in particular not only offered a beautifully cascading stream showing off the very best of New Zealand flora, but also offered one of my favourite vistas. A winding road covered by a beautiful native beech canopy.


At AuthenticAs, we understand our place. We have a deep love for where we live and everything else that lives there. We're able to find beauty everywhere and use our cameras to show others. When you come on one of our New Zealand Photography Tours, we will capture you in these beautiful places helping you create memories you can enjoy for many years yet to come.

To book your bespoke tours, simply, or have a look through the packages we offer and see which one suits you best. We can't wait to show you around.